Class Pages

The following class web pages will navigate away from the Morris School page. Some may require plug-ins and/or may not be supported by all browsers. Morris School does not take responsibility for the content of these sites.

Maverick Media videos can be found here:

Dear Parents/Guardians and students, Please find below information on how each teacher is distributing their class work during a school closure. Please feel free to email teachers directly if you have any concerns or if you require support.

Teacher Name Email Course Work location
Berezowski, Kendal [email protected] Google Classroom - Student login required
Blanchette, Jody [email protected] SeeSaw - App and login required
Charron, Amy [email protected] Google Classroom - Student login required
Clayton, Angela [email protected] Google Classroom - Student login required
Cory, Seth [email protected] Google Classroom - Student login required
Cox, Marshall [email protected] Google Classroom - Student login required
Dekezel, Dianne [email protected] Online Story Time
Dekezel, Travis [email protected] Google Classroom - Student login required
Edel, Christelle [email protected] Google Classroom - Student login required
Blog -
Edel, Laurie [email protected] Guidance Website -
Johnston, Jodi [email protected] Google Classroom - Student login required
Website -
Instagram - @morri_grade3_4
Kurylko, Stephanie [email protected] Google Classroom - Student login required
Carbonneau, André [email protected]
Lopez, Tony [email protected] Google Classroom - Student login required
Lucier, Carissa [email protected] Google Classroom - Student login required
Martens, Donna [email protected] Blog -
Moore, Dan [email protected] Google Classroom - Student login required
Weebly -
Noel, Kim [email protected] Email
Petty, Darren [email protected] Weebly -
Ricard, Rick [email protected] Google Classroom - Student login required
Roberge, Sam [email protected] SeeSaw - App and login required
Sandhu, Kuldeep [email protected] Google Classroom - Student login required
Stevenson, Kevin [email protected] Google Classroom - Student login required
Yeats, Yvonne [email protected] SeeSaw - App and login required
 Zimmerman, Kelsey [email protected] K-4 Music - Distributed through Homeroom teachers
All gr. 5-12 classes - Google Classroom - student login required


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